Thursday, 21 February 2013

Chinese new year & Valentine's day 2013 !

Hello hello ! 
it's been a month i didn't update. sry for the delay cause i'm like sooooo super-duper busy with class and STUFFS ! :'(
and it's quite tiring too tho.. haih. LIFE !

anyway, who gets to Chinese New Year with family this year ? Did u guys have a lot of fun ? or more importantly, how many "ang pow" did u guys get ? to those who don't know what "ang pow" is. It's kinda like a chinese tradition thing. (i think) to give out red packet (ang pow) to childrens (like me *lol) for good luck or something..LOL. i remember there's one time that i was bringing a beg to visiting (don't ask), my uncle was like, "wah, what's the purpose of bringing the beg? then i was like "urm, not sure..". he's like "you should get a little sign board saying "Ang pows in here". LOL ! are you nuts? 

and here's the first day of CNY outfit.
2013 !

*my first time cutting this hairstyle, TEEHEES*
i think i look kinda short here. i'm 174 cm.. (i think)
and the rest of the photo it's at my Instagram
instagram name : kiddojason93

have to thank my cousin for taking this photo. (thank god she got some skills xD)

i remember that the first day we went to it's the house next to mine. the house may look boring on the outside but inside it's like "woah". seriously, they even have their own gym & theater ! AT THE FUCKING BASEMENT ! and god knows what else got inside there .. argh ! no photo were taken cause the owner was like walking around so i didn't get a chance to take photo. -_-"

OH OH ! they even have a room, for their dogs ! it's inside their house. what the f ! together with aircond, sofa and books? lol.
not to mention there's lift inside the house & 6 maids. *wahh*
too bad there's no "ang pow". :'(
i wanna get adopted to that family ! *money-face*. xD

and the day goes on..
until we reach the NIGHT. it's party time ! :3
so some friends and i went to this club called 
"Rush Artistry 2".

the music there it's great ! seriously loving it !! <3

if i'm not mistaken, on the 14,15,16th of feb. 3 days club ! it was like the most happening 3 days of my life. LOL ! and yet again, NO PICTURES ! i seriously need to be more vain-er ! xD
and lookie here ! i met a new friend !  ^.^
actually there's more than this but.. *SIGH* no pictures !

hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's a picture, so miss me maybe ? :3
see u soon biatchh ! : )
*Picture taken at "The Junk"'s backstage.*

And last night it was my "BIG BOSS" AKA : Janice's birthday !

make a wish and may it come true ! :)
more photo at her camera. :'(
JANICE KONG *** *** ! faster uploadddd !! ><

bought her this "Giorgio Armani" perfume. hope u like it !

this year valentine it's like so sad for me, everyone around me and everyone i know it's attached.. *foreveralone* but it's okayy.. there's always a bright side of it. like not spending any money ? HAHA, kidding ! did u guys have that moment when someone ask you to be hers/his partner during Valentine's Day ? it's like face-to-face ! how would u respond ? and of course, it's a good feeling if you're really intrested in him/her. BUT what if you're not ? what are you gonna do ? would you give it a try or just reject ? in my experience/point of view, i would just give it a go. i mean c'mon la, everybody deserve a chance right ? and see how it goes.. if things didn't goes the way you want, let them know ASAP. cause the longer you drag..the more pain she/he gonna suffer. so yeah.. :')

But anyway, to those who's celebrating Valentine's Day, i pray that you guys have a LONG-LASTING RELATIONSHIP ! ^^ and DON'T CHEAT ! : )

Till next time : )
signing out with

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