Tuesday, 8 January 2013

2013 YO !

First of all, welcome 2013 & "ADIOS" 2012.
like seriously, during 2012..i don't think anything goes right for me..my life was so FUCKED UP !
and now it's 2013, and i hope..no. I'LL be damn sure 2013 it's gonna be LEGEN- wait for it..DARY ! LEGENDARY   *So Barney Stinson*.
Okay now, moving on..

JANUARY, school reopen ! :'(

i just got back from collage, was during practical class with some PEEPS. which i thought it would last until 12 or 1pm. who knows, it end up till 3 something. zzzzz..
i always hated "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday". i don't know why tho..and when it comes to FRIDAY.. TGIF BABY ! ^^
c'mon now.. who can NOT love FRIDAY ?! it's the end of the weekdays ! <3
Somehow, i really miss my secondary school life.. where u can like go to school around 7. and u sleep the whole morning at school.
ahh...good times good times. xD

Slowly, 1 by 1 my friends it's goin oversea for study.. and i'm gonna be like foreveralone at Kuching. :'(
I ever told my dad i wanna go KL to study.. but he's like.."NO".
and says that i don't know how to take care of myself. c'mon..i can look for people to take care of me ma ! *LOL*
If i really DID went KL to study..i'm sure i'll get homesick..
i mean seriously.. KL it's nice and all tho..but nothing feels good like hometown..am i right ? :D
there was once my father call me straight go Dubai to work. i mean.. are u sick dad? lol..it's Dubai..not next door ehh ! 
but the pay of course it's high la..
oh well.. we shall see then..

i just notice there's no picture on this post. hahah.. no picture to be uploaded for the time being..

so i guess till next time then readers..

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