Monday, 30 December 2013

END OF 2013 !

AH, it's finally the end of 2013 !

sorry for not blogging for quite some time cause i'm acutally quite busy tho. to those who had followed my instagram. it's not what it looks like ! trust me ><

before ending 2013, i'll shall post up the "HOTSPOT" places where people had their breakfast.

(excuse my photo taking skill, but atleast i got the name of the place right? :P)

so this place located at the Green Height Commercial Centre. And if you go during the peak breakfast hour, which is 9AM ~ 11AM. there's no hope in getting any table (unless you're gonna stand there wait for them :P)

now this place was introduced by a friend of mine and he/she tell me that i MUST try the "teh c peng" here. which is most popular drink of all. personally, i never tried the "teh c peng" at other places cause i don't really like it..but the "teh c peng" here damn nice i tell you. AND, if you're visiting kuching, do drop by this place which is located near four point.

Location :

click on the link above to see ! ;)


personally, i really LOVE this "poh pia". very yummy man i tell you.

and TADAHHH, the famous "Teh C Peng" Special !



so this is actually my favorite but f*ck, i forgot what it called. </3

so this is actually my second time being at Sakae Sushi but didn't manage to capture anything.

looking at that just makes me hungry and it's freakin' 2am something in the morning. oh wells...
there's actually more photo but i'm too lazy cause i just feel like wanted to update my blog since it's gonna be the end of 2013 soon. :P

but i must say, 2013 it's been quite a challanging year for me which i learn stuffs, get to know people. some fakers, attitude problem, being an as*.. you name it ! ugh, so I realize, you MAY have many friends, but how MANY of them really appericate YOU ?  i always felt like i'm getting bullied or people take me for granted. i always have a "soft heart" and i don't know i ask my friend, what should i do ? and they said,"Sometimes, you have to be mean a bit to that people won't bully you or won't try to eat you, and if you keep on being too kind-hearted to everyone, you're gonna get bullied." and THAT really does makes sense. have to thank them for that. i'm glad to have friend like you ;)

what i want for a new year is CHANGE !!

SO, as today the last day of 2013..let's make the best of it !
to those party animals..PARTY HARD, and STAY FIRST. =)
and see you guys next year !

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

OH November

hey hey you you ~
im finally back to update my blog ! :3

First of all, YAY ! 
i just finish my practical. (which last about 2 month, lol)
to you guys may seems like "oh, 2 month..whatever." BUT, everything it's not what it seems..

like always, new comer always get bullied right? that's always been the nature of LIFE. *i think*
I still remembers the first day i start my practical day. AKA, "awkward day". which i find very uncomfortable at first, and as times goes by, you make friends..enemies and so on. 

so here's the location
"Harbour View" is a 3 star hotel which located at town area, to those who travel and want to save on a budget, i would STRONGLY recommend you guys to stay here ! During night time, you could come out and enjoy the Kuching's light LIGHTS UP !

Picture took from Google Map. =p

a picture i google it up. xD

even it's only two month practical, i really miss having free flow of food. (which also makes me gain weight too. fu*k !  okay seriously, i miss working with my kitchen crew(not ALL of them of course) and those at the cafe. picture coming up in a bit. =)

here's some picture of us fooling around. xD

it's really rare to see her all childish like. look at her ! how cute !! HAHA xD

love eye shapes. <3 . <3

okay, i look damn white here. =p

that's all i got on my computer. more picture @ Instagram : jasontjl

i actually learn a lot in just two month times. which is totally true what did my lecture said, "What you guys learn,study here at collage it's only 10%. The rest 90% it's outside collage." and now finally two month of practical has ended. i can finally relax, for awhile. and i realised, hotel line can be really tiring at times. you have to work for 8 hours straight !
now, for my future plans ?
well, you'll have to wait till my next post !

bon voyage 

Monday, 14 October 2013


heyyy, :3

okay, so it's like 4.32am in the morning right now cause i can't seems to fall asleep because i think i caught up by insomia.. (oh god, HELP ME ! T_T) and im currently having my practical now, and my shift start around 7am. it's like few more hours to go. i don't think i'll have the chance to sleep already. *im so screwed*.

i was lying at my bed trying to get some shut eyes but in the end, i can't. it's like my mind has it mind of it's on ! *okay, thats scary..*
and i thought, why don't i just update my blog ?!
so tadahhh, here i am. -.-"
my birthday just passed not long ago, i thought i share some pictures with you guys. <3

(from the left ; Sara, Summer, Aaron )

awww, don't you just LOVE this picture? =P

meet the ladies *MUUWWAAHH* XOXO
(from the left; Celina, Me(duh) Mandy, Sze Yen, Mary)

look at him ! he's with his typical pose. =p

anyways, i had fun during my brithday countdown, thank you guys for showing up ! and for those who's unable to attend my birthday, it's okay..just send me my present will do. xD
*just kidding*

and more photo at my INSTAGRAM 

speaking of present, my BITCH   AKA : Janice Kong *** *** sent me this after 1 day after my actual birthday. i was surprise ! i thought she forgets. :') THANK YOU HUN ! XOXO. (PS: i saw the bill inside, OOPS. xD)

how sweet of her ~ <3 *MUCH APPRECIATE* !

This is Janice Kong *** *** everybody !
(why is your face like this ohhh ? hurmmm..)

it's like 5am now, better if i just lay on my bed till 6.30am. till next time.
(here's a picture of selfie acting cute. =p)

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Chinese new year & Valentine's day 2013 !

Hello hello ! 
it's been a month i didn't update. sry for the delay cause i'm like sooooo super-duper busy with class and STUFFS ! :'(
and it's quite tiring too tho.. haih. LIFE !

anyway, who gets to Chinese New Year with family this year ? Did u guys have a lot of fun ? or more importantly, how many "ang pow" did u guys get ? to those who don't know what "ang pow" is. It's kinda like a chinese tradition thing. (i think) to give out red packet (ang pow) to childrens (like me *lol) for good luck or something..LOL. i remember there's one time that i was bringing a beg to visiting (don't ask), my uncle was like, "wah, what's the purpose of bringing the beg? then i was like "urm, not sure..". he's like "you should get a little sign board saying "Ang pows in here". LOL ! are you nuts? 

and here's the first day of CNY outfit.
2013 !

*my first time cutting this hairstyle, TEEHEES*
i think i look kinda short here. i'm 174 cm.. (i think)
and the rest of the photo it's at my Instagram
instagram name : kiddojason93

have to thank my cousin for taking this photo. (thank god she got some skills xD)

i remember that the first day we went to it's the house next to mine. the house may look boring on the outside but inside it's like "woah". seriously, they even have their own gym & theater ! AT THE FUCKING BASEMENT ! and god knows what else got inside there .. argh ! no photo were taken cause the owner was like walking around so i didn't get a chance to take photo. -_-"

OH OH ! they even have a room, for their dogs ! it's inside their house. what the f ! together with aircond, sofa and books? lol.
not to mention there's lift inside the house & 6 maids. *wahh*
too bad there's no "ang pow". :'(
i wanna get adopted to that family ! *money-face*. xD

and the day goes on..
until we reach the NIGHT. it's party time ! :3
so some friends and i went to this club called 
"Rush Artistry 2".

the music there it's great ! seriously loving it !! <3

if i'm not mistaken, on the 14,15,16th of feb. 3 days club ! it was like the most happening 3 days of my life. LOL ! and yet again, NO PICTURES ! i seriously need to be more vain-er ! xD
and lookie here ! i met a new friend !  ^.^
actually there's more than this but.. *SIGH* no pictures !

hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's a picture, so miss me maybe ? :3
see u soon biatchh ! : )
*Picture taken at "The Junk"'s backstage.*

And last night it was my "BIG BOSS" AKA : Janice's birthday !

make a wish and may it come true ! :)
more photo at her camera. :'(
JANICE KONG *** *** ! faster uploadddd !! ><

bought her this "Giorgio Armani" perfume. hope u like it !

this year valentine it's like so sad for me, everyone around me and everyone i know it's attached.. *foreveralone* but it's okayy.. there's always a bright side of it. like not spending any money ? HAHA, kidding ! did u guys have that moment when someone ask you to be hers/his partner during Valentine's Day ? it's like face-to-face ! how would u respond ? and of course, it's a good feeling if you're really intrested in him/her. BUT what if you're not ? what are you gonna do ? would you give it a try or just reject ? in my experience/point of view, i would just give it a go. i mean c'mon la, everybody deserve a chance right ? and see how it goes.. if things didn't goes the way you want, let them know ASAP. cause the longer you drag..the more pain she/he gonna suffer. so yeah.. :')

But anyway, to those who's celebrating Valentine's Day, i pray that you guys have a LONG-LASTING RELATIONSHIP ! ^^ and DON'T CHEAT ! : )

Till next time : )
signing out with

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

2013 YO !

First of all, welcome 2013 & "ADIOS" 2012.
like seriously, during 2012..i don't think anything goes right for life was so FUCKED UP !
and now it's 2013, and i I'LL be damn sure 2013 it's gonna be LEGEN- wait for it..DARY ! LEGENDARY   *So Barney Stinson*.
Okay now, moving on..

JANUARY, school reopen ! :'(

i just got back from collage, was during practical class with some PEEPS. which i thought it would last until 12 or 1pm. who knows, it end up till 3 something. zzzzz..
i always hated "Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday". i don't know why tho..and when it comes to FRIDAY.. TGIF BABY ! ^^
c'mon now.. who can NOT love FRIDAY ?! it's the end of the weekdays ! <3
Somehow, i really miss my secondary school life.. where u can like go to school around 7. and u sleep the whole morning at school.
ahh...good times good times. xD

Slowly, 1 by 1 my friends it's goin oversea for study.. and i'm gonna be like foreveralone at Kuching. :'(
I ever told my dad i wanna go KL to study.. but he's like.."NO".
and says that i don't know how to take care of myself. c'mon..i can look for people to take care of me ma ! *LOL*
If i really DID went KL to study..i'm sure i'll get homesick..
i mean seriously.. KL it's nice and all tho..but nothing feels good like i right ? :D
there was once my father call me straight go Dubai to work. i mean.. are u sick dad?'s Dubai..not next door ehh ! 
but the pay of course it's high la..
oh well.. we shall see then..

i just notice there's no picture on this post. hahah.. no picture to be uploaded for the time being..

so i guess till next time then readers..