Thursday, 3 April 2014

April's fool..... ?


So today's post it's all about my crush...

...okay, somehow thats kinda lame. but still.. : P

so how's life everybody ? : ) 

as for me ? not really good i guess..? too much up & down. have no idea when my roller coster gonna come to an end. *HELP*
i still remember i said to myself... "no, it's not gonna happen, it's bullshit..blah blah blah". and guess what ? IT HAPPEN. *sigh* i have no idea should i be happy or sad...seriously man, fuck my life to the max lo. and sometimes i wonder, what do i really REALLY want? even I myself can't even seems to figure it out..there's a lot of things going on my mind but i have no idea where to start..*SIGH*
but enough of that ! : ' )

i actually didn't realize it's already April. like it's so fast..time really does fly man. and im getting old day by day. *NOOOOOOOOOO* : (

okay so recently i started working at this "Phoenix Gym". which is recommanded by my friend. So far it's quite fun & interesting while working with people from different races. even there's a little hard to communicate with them..xD (no offence..?)
actually it really does feel good to work with people you're confortable with..

in case you're wondering, the picture is taken from Google. :P

Phoenix Gym is located at

"Phoenix Gym, Kuching's most cutting edge, state of the art gym. Equipped with the most modern equipment, as well as friendly and passionate staff, it's the place to be for anyone who wants to get fit and enjoy the experience in style".

Here's the link for the ther's facebook page.

or you can just look for me ^^

Meet le colleague. <3

she's the best ! very understanding. thankiuuu ~~~ i owe u V ! : )

Now, let me spam some random picturessssszzaahhh ~ : 3

Yellow, you u so yellow ?!


somehow, this picture looks so colourful ! :O

: )

any sinlge guys here ? BRACE YOURSELF !

which one you guys like ? just take it and go. :P

till next time !
shall sleep now..g'night everybody. : )