Monday, 14 October 2013


heyyy, :3

okay, so it's like 4.32am in the morning right now cause i can't seems to fall asleep because i think i caught up by insomia.. (oh god, HELP ME ! T_T) and im currently having my practical now, and my shift start around 7am. it's like few more hours to go. i don't think i'll have the chance to sleep already. *im so screwed*.

i was lying at my bed trying to get some shut eyes but in the end, i can't. it's like my mind has it mind of it's on ! *okay, thats scary..*
and i thought, why don't i just update my blog ?!
so tadahhh, here i am. -.-"
my birthday just passed not long ago, i thought i share some pictures with you guys. <3

(from the left ; Sara, Summer, Aaron )

awww, don't you just LOVE this picture? =P

meet the ladies *MUUWWAAHH* XOXO
(from the left; Celina, Me(duh) Mandy, Sze Yen, Mary)

look at him ! he's with his typical pose. =p

anyways, i had fun during my brithday countdown, thank you guys for showing up ! and for those who's unable to attend my birthday, it's okay..just send me my present will do. xD
*just kidding*

and more photo at my INSTAGRAM 

speaking of present, my BITCH   AKA : Janice Kong *** *** sent me this after 1 day after my actual birthday. i was surprise ! i thought she forgets. :') THANK YOU HUN ! XOXO. (PS: i saw the bill inside, OOPS. xD)

how sweet of her ~ <3 *MUCH APPRECIATE* !

This is Janice Kong *** *** everybody !
(why is your face like this ohhh ? hurmmm..)

it's like 5am now, better if i just lay on my bed till 6.30am. till next time.
(here's a picture of selfie acting cute. =p)