Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Finalyyyyyyyyyyy, today i'm staying at home like a "guai kia" AKA: Good boy. So, what's there to blog about yea? hmm..let's see..Chinese new year has ended and i still haven't find any work. D: (SAD CASE). Everybody like so freakin' busy studying or working while i'm at home doing nothing. :/
Oh well, i guess i'll just enjoy LIFE first? Should I ? blahhhh, whateverrrrrr ~~

nothing much to say for now i guess. :P
signing off  ~ 

Monday, 30 January 2012


Test test, i'm kinda new to blogger here. :)
this is ma first time blogging. xD
trying my best to learn how this shit works. :P
will update more soon and this is just the beginning.. :P