Saturday, 29 December 2012

A small update. ^^

Finally, i have time to write my blog ! :D
been so busy how's my reader doing lately ? have you guys done any CHRISTMAST SHOPPING ?!! 

On the 13rd of December, i went to KL with my crazy bitch.
Facebook: SiewLingFb
Instagram: siewlinggg

(MORE photo at Instagram, so follow her maybe? :D)

So we were chillin' at starbucks right, then i thought that my friend had bought luggage from Kuching to KL. so i thought..
thank god that Siew Ling checked that HE DIDN'T ! Wthhh, wasted my RM75. FYI, i bought TWO luggage. cause i knew i'm gonna shop like mad! so yeahh.. xD
so we were in a hurry. thought we're going to miss our flight..but in the end.. our flight delayed. W.T.F.
we were suppose to fly around 5 something, end up flying at 7.

So, here some picture while waiting for our flight. :/

Finally, it's time to fly ! Omg, we're so vain. :P

when we finally reach LCCT. it's already like 9 something? took a cab to "Subang Jaya USJ". and finally we reach Tristan's house around.. 11 something i think? by that time, i was SOOOOOO HUNGRY I COULD EAT A HORSE or something. xD

The next day..........


So we(Siew Ling,Tristan, ME) headed down to Pavilion KL. to meet up with this 2 fellow

Instagram: ronsee
Instagram: chummychiang
love the decoration tho. every year different deco. ;)

almost forgot. every time i visit KL Pavilion. the first stop i'm going to is

let me show u their best seller dessert !
yummyyyyy ~ LOVIN' IT !! i think i took this almost everyday when i'm at KL. HAHA. oh wells..

 Also, i dress up my phone into some purple,aztec thing.. haha.
nice or not? : /
i also love the mini effie tower tho. <3

Ohh, i just remember ! have you guys ever seen a crystal shoes decoration that almost look at a christmast tree ?
let me show you guys..

nice right ?!!!! this is the first time i see shoes decoration like this !

we also went to this Pancake house. and guess what? the pancake really taste heavenly ~
like seriously..

but i forgot what this pancake called. :D
it's located at midvalley ground floor there. where all the food is gathered. xD

okay, this is the first time i found this kind of sign behind the back sit of a cab.

seriously cab driver? just keep yo' eyes on the road ! -_-"

being vain. :D
la la la la ~

anyone japanese food lover here?
then you gotta love

again, i forgot all the food's names ! >:(

i'm already so hungry by just looking at those pictures !
how i miss sushi zanmai.. :'(

and we also celebrate my bitch(Siew Ling) birthday at SHOGUN. it's a japanese buffet restaurant. who ever having birthday, u can come here to eat FREE FOOD !! just show them your IC. :D
it's located at Sunway Pyramid ground floor i think..? can't really point out the exact location of the place. :(

happy birthday ! old 1 year liao. :0

this is final day result !
but it wasn't enough.. :'(
thank god i bring 2 luggage to carry all my stuffs. at the end it's so full but manage to bring it all back to Kuching tho. :)

after 1 week plus away from hometown, i really do feel homesick tho. so i don't think i can handle studying like away from my hometown. :O

THANK GOD 2012 it's finally ending. had the worst year ever this year !! i still remember i started 2012 with tears in my eyes, after that, nothing goes right for me this whole fuckin' year ! hopefully 2013 will be my year. :')

Do follow my:
Instagram: kiddojason93
Twitter: jasonjeiseun

So, till next year readers..
^_^ Y

Friday, 3 August 2012


hey readers out there. and especially this girl who told me to update my blog. lol :|

so HI !! how you guys been? Good? cool then. BAD?
oh wells.. what to do? Life is full of UP & DOWN !!

so now i'm currently study at this collage. "SATT".
which most of the course here it's under hospitality and i'm taking this culinary arts. :O
gonna learn how to cook for my...*cough cough*. so..yeah. xD
it's been like..2 weeks or 3 weeks i'm with SATT collage. it's kinda nice tho. ;D
the people over there are friendly. *ME LIKEY*
and i never expect i'll have to learn SOOO MANY TYPES OF UTENSILS,PAN,POT& kitchen equipments !
my goshhh ! @@
hope i can pass with flying colours ! T.T
the reason why i get culinary arts it's because i'm lovin' it ! *duh*and i especially like to cook for my loves one too !
it's like bringing them joy through food..or something.. -.-"

so anyways,
some of friends had gone back to KL to study. some Singapore.
GOSH, seriously i miss this Janice !
miss her "hamsap-ness".
she always make my day with her "hamsap-ness" together with us. haha. ahh, time flies. :'(

let me show you guys picture of her !
& her blog. :D 
Janice Kong *tuuuuuuuuuutt*

btw, to those who don't know where i'm from. 
I come from this little small town call KUCHING ! :D
and i'm proud of it ! :D
To those who don't have my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Instagram : kiddojason93
Twitter :
to those who understand chinese. i'm sure you'll laugh at my facebook link. X_X
i was young what that time. so, excuse me ! (///3///)

i think that's all i have for this small little update of mine. :D


Tuesday, 8 May 2012


le me puke rainbow <3

So, let's get the blogging started okay? ^3^
first of all, life it getting better for me this recently..even there's still rumours about me with the same old shit. *Rumour spreader, Y YOU NO COME OUT WITH NEW KIND OF RUMOUR?*
so yeah bitch, you heard me..

to those who's single out there. SO WHAT? you're free !! you do what ever you want, whenever you is short. so, fuck yeah. LOL !
*gosh, i'm so randommmmm* xD
and especially YOU !!
yeah, you know who you are. thanks again for breaking my heart..AGAIN.
it's sokay, there's still plenty of fishes in that BIG BLUE OCEAN. SCREW YOU PLAYER !!

so work life have been quite tiring..cause it's like i need to be awake during 9 something and my work start at 10, SHARP !
so now all i have to do it's to SUCK-IT-UP for few more weeks. 
and then i'm FREEEE !

after i stop working, i was thinking i'm gonna study at UCSI. Taking Culinary Arts. <3
but i'm not sure weather my father approve it or not.
so, i keep my finger-crossed then. :)

to those who haven't decide what course to take. why not take culinary arts with me?

OH YA, there's this someone on my mind for quite sometime tho.
omg, WHY YOU SO HOT ?!
even tho i just saw u once at's like u been running through my mind like 24 hours a day ! *GASPP*
keep my finger-crossed for that ! <3

Oh my my my, look at the time. it's 1.48am !
tomorrow got work. gawddddddddddddddd.
i hate it ! D:<

Till next time peeps !


Friday, 27 April 2012



"bonjour, comment allez vous les gars?"
that's french. as in, "Hello, how are you guys? :P
seriously, i wanna learn french. so that, one day i'll be able to travel to PARIS for vacation ! Or something like that..xD

okayy, enough of that.
time for some update ! :D

So, work life so far have been VERYYY TIRING ! like seriouslyyyyy !! T.T
guess what? i always sleep late cause..urm..well, let's just say there's a lot of thing goin' through my mind right now..
and there's rumours about me saying i'm a cheater, backstabber, BLAH blah blahhh. OH wells, rumours just rumours..NEVER trust rumours. people can just make up shits about you when they are jealous or something. -__-
*Life a bitch, DEAL WITH IT*

and there's this thing, which actually quite bother me for quite some time..
there's this person ask me am i dating that PERSON? HELL NO !
we're just FRIEND ! like my god !! are you out of your FREAKIN' mind???!!
ARGHHH !! and he don't even tell me who is that PERSON IS !!
ARGHHH, he makes me SOO MAD !!
but no matter, i already suspect it's YOU.
yes, YOU ! you know who you are..

seriously, i hate my LOVE LIFE now. it's so FUCKED UP !
since 01.01.2012
yes, beginning of 2012 and i'm already fucked.
seriously, i just don't get that PERSON.
i even gave "YOU" a second chance to make it up to me. but..*SIGH*

if "YOU'RE" reading this. i hope you know how important you are to me right now.
I love you, i still do..<3

Signing off ~

Friday, 6 April 2012

It's been awhile. ;D

hiii guysss ! <3

it's been so long since i last updated my blog. D:
So, new update to my life...let's see.......
well, so far so good with my new life style. it's kinda tired tho..and guess what? MONEY DON'T GROWS ON TREES ! LIKE SERIOUSLY !!
anywayss, got my salary liao. woohoo ! gonna spend it tomorrow ! new cloth, new shoes, and urmm....:x 
let's just leave that part out kay? :P

so..during 31.03.2012
we have our farewell-janice gathering. :D
we found this awesome place to chill. some sort of lounge or some stuffs. :O
it's located at Hock Lee there. PS: to those kuching peeps. u know where right? awesome place righttt? xD

Well, as ALWAYS, here's some picture we took that night. Tadahh~~~
PS: thanks Chiangz for doing my hair that night. <3

we're so white ! lol ! :o

kiddo & me

dafuq am i doing? hmm..

random ! :D

phew pit ~~

i'm in the girl's toilet ! *GASP*

forget what this called adi. :/

Yum yum ~ <3


Blue hair guy & Kiddo

and there's some more but can't upload.
oh wells, WadToDooooooooo ~~~

Gotta jet guys. so, till next time..

Signing off ~ <3

Wednesday, 29 February 2012


do i look weird without my lens? D:

Finally ! today i only have morning shift, so i'll be able to update my blog and to share what's going on so far. :D

did any of you miss me? :P
( PS: you can just take this as a joke or something. :/ )

weeee ~~so, it's been 1 week since i started working for Speedy. well, so far so good. it's still awesome and fun tho. and sometimes it's quite tired after a LONG-DAY of HARDWORK. PHEWWW ~~ (can any of you believe that? :P) 

and today, (29.02.2012) comes a newbie ! weee, i'm no longer a new guy ! :P
guess what? i feel noob when i'm working with him. it's like, he learn things WAYYYYYYYYYYY fast then me. T_T
omg omg omg. (SAD CASE)!
OH ! LOOK !!march is coming in what? 1 hour time? :)
yay ! SOOO looking forward to it ! <3
SO, my readers out there. wad'cha been doing lately?
working? or still CHILLING ?   xDto those who's studying, all the best ya ! :)

Ohh nooo, look at the time ! it's time for me to get some rest.
tomorrow gotta go work before 10 .

Good Night ya ~ :)
till next time ya. gonna take picture with the new guy and some of the staff there. ;D

Friday, 17 February 2012

it's been so long ! D:

messy hair. LOL ! :'(

it's been so long since i last updated my blog. :(
did anyone of you miss me? LOL !
*i guess not.. :'(*
Valentine day had pass, did you girls receive your roses? :D
sure got right ! xD
guess what? i recently started working already..kinda nice tho.
today is the 3rd day and it's still awesome as EVER ! <3
weeeeeeeeee ~
too bad i cannot take photos while i work.
i have a really nice person in charge tho. and yesterday we had KFC for DINNER ! the meal was on him. known as "ah wei".
 awesome?? IKR ! LOL ! :Pi can't blog much about it for now..but i'll blog about it when i got my off-day or something. :)
OH ! FYI to those kuching peepoos. 
i'm currently working at The Spring, Speedy.:)
lots of promotion now. nice movie cost RM9.90 ONLY !
like seriously, :D
come and "sapu" all that cheap disc !
it's original also tho. :P

gotta go peepoos ! <3
till next time !

weeeeeeeeeee ! xD

Friday, 3 February 2012

Day out with ma bitches ! :D :: 03.02.2012 ::

 hyeeyoo peepoos ! :P
it's like, everything i go out and when i reach back home. i'll be like, OMG, I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT THIS.
Newbie-much? EW~
ANYWAY, as great time with ma bitches. :O
and i had my face done by a
PROFESSIONAL MAKE-UP ARTIST ! (that's what he told me. :P)
yes, it's a HEhe just help me make my eyes more smokey look.
don't know it's obvious enough or not. :/
but still, it's quite nice tho..he's skill also not bad lo.
i was surprise after i see the result.
when i look into the mirror i'm like,
OMGGGGGGGGGG ! WTH?!it's soo nice lo ! like my face all flawless like that ! <3
me likeyyy..LOL !
after that, we went to spring to meet with
Siew Ling

when i first saw that blonde guy. i seriously have NO IDEA that it was Chiang, WTF ?!
hair all blonde like that. nice !

Here's some picture that we took. :D

Tristan & Mr.Blondie. :P

he look cute here so i have to upload. :'(
Siew Ling & Chiangz
capture by Tristan. SEE my face ! WALAOO ! -.-

after that, we end up in..yet again..


seriously, you guys should try this. *slurppp*

RAWR !!!!! LOL ! xD

forget what's the name for this already. :/
but still, IT'S NICE ! :P

and there's some more at Chiang's camera.
after that, we end up in PLATFORM which is located at Jalan Song area. :D
And that's our last station for the night.
and tonight i'm going to club to CHILL !
WEEEEE ~ i'm a party animal. LOL ! :X

Till next time you guys ! :)